Just what do you imagine that you have conquered? Since the Scriptures long ago foretold that there would be an erpution of apostasy within Jehovah's organization right before the end of the system, and since apostate dubs fit the profile of those who are like the immoral dogs that lap up their own reguritated filth, is it not rather the case that it is you, because of your own stupidity and presumptuousness, who have been conquered? / You Know
You Know
JoinedPosts by You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
Life is good. Treasure life in all its forms.
I do. Apostate Dubs are some of my favorite species of lower life forms. / You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
Dubula must be away from his computer today? / You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
if you honestly believe im a delusional pathological liar (and a fool), that i have such severe brain-lock that reasoning with me is pointless, and that im so far below you intellectually that dealing with me is an embarrassing mistake on your part, why do you even address me personally?
In closing out this thread, and in answer to your question, this is a public forum. I would have no interest in discussing any of these things with you privately. But, as it is, many people share your delusions, so the issues are worthy of discussion. The way I look at it, when things inevitably blow up in the near future, because I am on record as one anticipating nuclear war and financial collapse, then, I should have gained an enormous amount of credibility and will be able to speak freely about Jehovah's judicial decisions that until now have been concealed. And those like yourself, who have been vocal in ridiculing the idea that this system is going to meet up with it's judgment day, will at that point be totally humiliated and silenced. Then, assuming the Internet stays up for awhile, I will have the last say, or rather, that I may have some small share in allowing Jehovah's word to have the last say. / You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
crazy drunk
The economic conditions that plagued GERMANY after WWI were brought about by the Allies in WWI. They demanded that GERMANY pay for the entire war (which of course was impossible).
That's correct. And Germany hyperinflated it's currency in order to pay off the reparations. That's exactly what the U.S. has done, they are hyperinflating the dollar to keep the stock market and the economy from collapsing. And the demonic principalities and their human counterparts that brought about the conditions necessary to put the Nazis in power also triggered the 1929 Wall Street collapse, which made WWII inevitable.
Projects such as dams and roads---oh no electricity is bad! Its not in the bible) and the rise of Hitler.
You were doing good there for about one sentence. LOL
Your poor knowledge of history shows once again.
Don't be an ignoramus all of your life man. Get yourself educated before it too late.
/ You Know
Edited by - You Know on 4 July 2002 9:48:58
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
confidence levels can be and are measured....its not a term i just made up, its a statistical fact.
I know. You are just parroting what you have heard. Measuring confidence levels is basically taking a measurment of how successful the delsuion has been at any given point.
actually, its never a "perfect pattern", but yes there are striking similarities in every bear market and every bull market.
Yes, but bull and bear is irrelevant in the face of a global financial collapse. The stock market is only a small part of the system.
when the dollar becomes worthless, then you can tell me how much nonsense it all was. of course, when that happens, the internet will no doubt collapse, so i guess you wont get the chance to yell "i told you all so!!", lol.
Yes, but I will still have the satisfaction of knowing that you know I told you so. LOL
your little titanic illustration only reinforces what ive been saying, namely that confidence levels are almost always wrong.
LOL, Okay.
during the next tradeable rally? im quite sure the dollar will still be worth something then........are you now predicting the dollar will become worthless before any further market rallies?
You said that there would be rallies until the markets turned for good. There no doubt will be stock market rallies in the interim, but there will be no return to prosperity, if that's what you meant. That's completely out of the question. Once the money supply has been so vastly inflated, as it has been, you can't just go back to business as usual after the bubble blows. It doesn't work that way. It is an inevitablitiy that the dollar will soon become completely worthless. Again, you are laboring under a delusion.
just becuase i, and most other sane people, dont buy into your "collapse" scenario doesnt mean im "desperately trying to believe" anything.
You desperately want to believe that the system is going to go on. Therefore you, and many others, embrace the delusion that is offered by the media. The Scriptures, on the other hand, foretell a catastrophic sudden collapse of the global system of things. And, I have presented several realistic scenarios whereby that can come about on any given day. Of course you don't believe it, but that doesn't alter reality in any way, shape, or form.
when i was a brainwashed jw, was i desperately trying to hold on to a lie then? looking back now, and knowing it was all lies, i dont think i really had much of a choice but to believe them.....
It wasn't all lies. Again, you are deluded. Do you imagine that apostates have some how removed Jehovah from his heavens, or that Christ's kingdom is now an unreality because of Ray Franz's little tattle tales, or that the Anglo-American empire has not arrived at the end of the line of human rulership? Ridiculers haven't in any way nullified the truth of God's word. They have only themselves fulfilled it. And, we are now, at long last, facing the end of the system that Jehovah's Witnesses have been preaching about for years. You and all apostates have been very badly deluded.
/ You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
Here Dubula, you my enjoy reading this piece, called: "The End of a Delusion."
/ You Know
Gems From The Stony Hearts
by hillary_step injust thought that you would enjoy a gem from the heart of brooklyn taken from the book isaiahs prophecy - light for all mankind, pp 335,6 #12, under the heading the senseless one.
"of course, confirmed atheists say that there is no jehovah.
in effect, so do "intellectuals" and others who act as if there were no god, believing that they are accountable to no one.
You Know
I gotta agree with you Hillary. I admit feeling deeply disappointed and a wave nausea swept through me when we read that in the book study the other day. One of the things I have come to appreciate is that, you know the 61 times that it says in Ezekiel: "And they will have to know that I am Jehovah"? In most cases we are the "they" who will have to know. So, the first order of business in Jehovah's oncoming judgment is humbling his own so that we come to KNOW Jehovah in a way we never have before. It will not necessarily be pleasant, but surely it is needed. / You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
i assume you mean the comment i made about confidence levels falling, and how that probably means a bull market is ahead.......well, one thing you have to remember, is that for it to fall perfectly into pattern, the confidence levels would have to fall through the floor from where they are now.
The fact that you would use terms like "confidence levels" and refer to patterns, as if a perfect pattern could be possibly predicting another bull market, is proof that you are still laboring under a wide spread delusion. There are no patterns that can predict the behavior of something that has never existed before. And, as I have explained to you on many occasions, the present global financial system, in all of it's sophistry and complexity, has only existed for about 10 years, and yet you still prefer the delusion that the markets are going through a typical bull/bear cycle. That, of course, is nonsense. But, millions and millions of people have been deluded into such thinking, so you are not alone in that respect.
that was 10 YEARS before the confidence levels finally hit rock bottom, and then the bulls ran.
Confidence or lack of it has very little to do with it. "Confidence levels" on the Titanic were high even after the captain gave the order to abandon the doomed vessel, because people were under the delusion that the ship really was "unsinkable."
i believe if you simply look back a couple posts on this thread alone, youll see i talked about the possibility of the dow dropping to 5000 (which would probably put the nasdaq around 500).....yet my view of the markets makes me delusional?
Yes, you are laboring under the popular delusion that this is simply a down cycle for the stock market and not a systemic collapse of the global financial system and all that goes with it.
i do think we will have tradeable rallies in the meantime though, but i think weve got awhile yet before the markets turn for the good
LOL Thus, the delusion persists. What do you plan on using for currency, toilet paper?
i still hold out hope that the big guns like ge dont have these same problems, but im realistic, and i can see just like any other intelligent person, that when theres one bad apple, theres a bunch....
That's what I mean by delusional. GE, JP Morgan, Citi Group, and Merrill Lynch are the heart and soul of the American financial system. That means that they are at the very foundation of a mountain of unpayable debt. In fact, through their derivative obligations they are on the hooks to insure that others get paid when defaults occur, to the tune of several tens of trillions of dollars. They can only cover a very tiny percent of the notional value of that. If one of them blows out the DOW won't just retreat to a certain level, money itself will simply become non-negotiable. Thrown into the street is the way the Scriptures describe the end of the present financial system. That you would "hold out hope" that they are not ground zero for the debt implosion indicates that you want desperately to believe a lie---a delusion. Because ultimately, in the event of a catastrophic collapse, you will have to come to terms with The truth. That has to be an absolutely terrifying prospect for someone who has invested their entire life into this system of things.
having refreshed your memory about my true "view of the markets", please find another reason to call me delusional......
I did. You gave me fresh fodder to make the case that your delusion is even more pervasive than I had originally thought. LOL / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 3 July 2002 13:45:5
Why is 'women bashing' allowed on this board?
by wholewheat inthere is a poster on this board with the moniker 'd8ta' that has called a female poster a 'bitch' and another female poster a 'whore' and yet you men let him get away with it.
this is disgusting!
is this what leaving jehovah does to people?
You Know
Wholewheat, You shouldn't expect some of these barnyard creatures to be house broken. It is just not reasonable. / You Know